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Eldorado!™ (10 team)

The game with the WOW factor! Ideal for Conferences and perfect for cooperation at work.

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Your Career Tapestry


Learning Objectives: ■ reminds groups to look at the bigger picture - their organization ■ highlights the importance of working together in one big team ■ highlights issues around trust, integrity, and ethics ■ demonstrates the importance of sharing knowledge and information ■ unifies all participants and creates high-energy More about the activity: Eldorado! is specifically designed for large groups and is also designed to be very easy to run. It's great fun, highly interactive, AND spells out a fundamental message for ALL organizations: we are all part of ONE BIG TEAM! With clues, tasks, treasure maps, and resources to make a team hat & flag, 10 teams work through various twists and turns to try to claim the treasure of Eldorado. Sooner or later they realise no team can go it alone. Even so, motivated by the thrill of treasure, teams are often unable to bind into one big team. Some try to work independently, others form splinter groups. (Very occasionally, all teams work together brilliantly and rightly claim the treasure!) Eldorado! very much mirrors what happens in most workplaces, where rivalry and competition between teams and departments get in the way of an organization's success. Eldorado! reminds participants of the right way to behave - the need to all work for each other and put inter-departmental rivalry to one side. Eldorado! is a wonderful illustration of this core value that gets overlooked in people’s day-to-day work. Rivalry, competition, and lack of cooperation all too easily get in the way! What works very well is to ask for a coin from every delegate and if this ‘treasure’ is not claimed it goes to a charity of their choice (either way teams invariably ask, in the end, that the money goes to charity).

Contact Details

  • Matteson, IL, USA


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